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School News
Chess Tournament
Students playing chess

Pictures from our 2024 Maldonado Winter Chess Tournament. Thank you to all the participants.
Congratulations to the winners: 1st place - Ian Breton, 2nd place - Dominic Pineda, 3rd place - Carlos Montiel, 4th place - Zaneya Cruz
Fiesta Bowl Surprise
Two men and two women pose for a photo in a classroom

Back in September, Maldonado kindergarten teacher Elizabeth Mordecai made a wish. Not just any wish – she submitted a classroom wish through Wishes for Teachers. In her submission, she noted how she’s a Title I teacher who serves students from the Pasqua Yaqui and Tohono O’odham nations, as well as various immigrant students. Her classroom is in need of “a makeover with STEM manipulatives to ensure all students have access to essential learning tools, regardless of economic status,” she wrote in the submission.

On November 19, her wish came true! Elroy Masters of Fiesta Bowl Charities stopped by Ms. Mordecai’s class to share the good news.  The kindergarten teacher was awarded a $2,500 grant to help purchase new STEM materials.

Thank you to Fiesta Bowl Charities for being able to share such amazing awards, and thank you Ms. Mordecai for everything you do in the classroom to help our students.

New Soccer Goals
Students play soccer out on the fields
Our Mountain Lions are loving the addition of our new soccer goals! Game on!
Spirit Friday
Two staff in Spirit shirtsSpirit Friday was so much fun!