About Our School

What Makes Us Special

We teach our children the value of college and career from day one, working with them, practicing communication skills and self-advocacy so they can achieve their dreams.

Our vision at Maldonado Elementary is for all students to achieve their full potential in a safe, inspiring and challenging learning environment.

We are committed to building partnerships with our families.

We’ve created a strong family atmosphere where we focus on building a community feel and we honor the strengths and knowledge our families have to share with us.

Families are encouraged to take part in their child’s education. We offer many opportunities for you to be active and engaged.

Maldonado Elementary’s OMA Program offers a rich fine arts experience. Students can choose to study band, orchestra, visual arts, movement or even opera.

Maldonado Elementary School opened in 1987. The school is named to honor Amelia Maldonado, an educator for TUSD. She was a pioneer in bilingual education, teaching in both English and Spanish around 1919. A third native generation of Tucson, Arizona, Amelia was the youngest of three daughters of Francisco and Josefa Maldonado. The Maldonado's considered education a "sacred honor". Amelia was one of the first Latinas to graduate from the University of Arizona in 1919. She began teaching at Drachman Elementary in the heart of the barrio. More information can be found in a book called "Latinas in the United States A historical Encyclopedia" by Vicki Ruiz, Virginia Sanchez Korrol.

Amelia Margarita Maldonado (1895-1988)

Spirit Song

Maldonado Mountain Lions
Here to study, Here to Learn
Reading, Writing, Math, and Science
That's Our Lesson Here Today
We Are Eagar, Smart and Awesome
Trying Hard to Do Our Best
We will Listen to Our Teachers
Following Them to Great Success
We Have Fun at Gym and Recess
Growing Strong and Hard to Beat
Proud to Be a Mountain Lion
We will Not Accept Defeat!!

OMA Instruction at Maldonado
Arts integration curriculum at each grade level is determined by brain-based research, multi-intelligence learning and the neurological development of children.  A team of professional art integration specialists, arts and classroom teachers work with all students in an OMA school.  OMA at Maldonado Elementary we offer orchestra and band with Mrs. Ford for our fourth and fifth grade students.  
GATE Instruction at Maldonado
At Maldonado Elementary we offer GATE Cluster Services - Gifted instruction provided in grade levels 1st -5th. Identified GATE students are “clustered” in open access classrooms.  In addition, pull-out itinerant GATE services are 90 minutes per week and provide enriched instruction in small-group settings. Kindergarten and 1st grade receive whole class lessons, 2nd - 5th grades receive pull out services for students who have qualified for the GATE program based on GATE testing. The lessons are created to enrich our curriculum with literature and a thinking skills program to develop higher level thinking.  The Teacher will incorporate lessons that focus on divergent, convergent, visual, and evaluative thinking.  The students will learn to elaborate on their own ideas and those of others while utilizing rich vocabulary.

We recognize that gifted students have special educational needs that should be met within the context of educating the whole child through a variety of services and options. 

The role of the Gifted Education program is to:

• Identify the particular abilities and needs of these students.
• Challenge students functioning at the highest level of ability.
• Encourage underachieving students who are capable of the highest performance.
• Promote higher level creative and productive thinking skills throughout the district.
• Promote creative or productive achievement.
The District is committed to providing all students enrolled at the District with equal access to the District’s Gifted and Talented Education program.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is a process for creating school environments that are more predictable and effective for achieving academic and social goals. For some schools, PBIS will enhance their current systems and practices, for others it will radically change the culture for the better.

How does it work?
A key strategy of the PBIS process is prevention. The majority of students follow the school’s expectations, but are never acknowledged for their positive behavior. Through instruction, comprehension and regular practice, all stakeholders use a consistent set of behavior expectations and rules. When some students do not respond to teaching of the behavioral rules, PBIS schools view it as an opportunity for re-teaching, not just punishment.

Does it make a difference?
The PBIS model is a research based strategy that is supported by the federal Department of Education. The 3-tiered approach reduces problem behavior as a barrier to student achievement. Public schools have 180 days each year to advance academic progress. So instructional time is very valuable.

What about students that are disruptive?
PBIS school teams develop a documented discipline system that is integrated with the district’s Code of Conduct. When problem behavior occurs, students are provided with a full continuum of supports to address the behavior. If students do not respond, the intensity of the support increases. Most problem student behaviors either have an academic or social base. Properly addressing the root causes of behavior can prevent student failure later in life.

What about parents?
Parents are an important part of PBIS implementation. Schools encourage parents to use the same expectations and rules that the school teaches. This common language creates consistency and a unified support for expected student behavior. Parents are asked to discuss the common rules and expectations and post them at home for easy reference. Children thrive when they have consistent, predictable expectations and consequences.
Fuel up to Play 60



Fuel Up to Play 60 inspires students and educators to make a meaningful, long-term impact in their school environments



 Fuel Up to Play 60 enables student to become leaders by providing them with resources to make significant change and opportunities to build confidence and lifelong skills through teamwork



Fuel Up to Play 60's initiatives broaden the scope of child wellness beyond nutrition and physical activity